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English Alive Students
English Alive English Website


English Alive was born in 2000. The pre-determined programme was created to give students the opportunity and the environment to use the English learnt at school. It was felt that students should be given the possibility to actively use English as a means of communication and not to consider English as just another school subject. English Alive has been adopted by many like-minded schools. We hope to welcome you as a partner school in the future.

Who is behind ENGLISH ALIVE?

There are three founder members. All three have been actively involved in EFL for more than 10 years.

Mark Berridge
Principal of the Brighton School of English. Responsible for the operational side of English Alive and will usually be present as a co-ordinator when the programme takes place.

Robin Summers
Teacher Trainer, London, UK. Responsible for the academic side of English Alive. He also co-ordinates and is part of the teacher training team overseas.

David Anthonisz
Former M arketing Director of Shane Global Language Centres and Bloomsbury-International.He is responsible for the financial and marketing side of English Alive. David is also a fully qualified EFL teacher and teacher trainer.
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